Tuesday, September 24, 2013

You Know You Really Want to Volunteer So Here are Some Ideas To Get You Started

Things you can do as a group or individually to help the project: 
Pick one or more
Things to do before the event if you are busy on the holiday:
Talk about it to everyone you meet!
Ask for donations of: cash, food, ingredients
Go shopping (either on your own money or if that is a burden get a
shopping list from Meera and she will give you cash
Cook: before or during
Help Set- up/decorate on Wednesday Nov 27 (12-4)
Volunteer on the day of the event Nov 28, 2013 (All or part)
Remember the Lord loves a cheerful giver and so do I! So I want you to
do only what you want to do and only that which will bless you and make
you happy (hard work is not necessarily miserable work)..
Volunteer check-in is 1 pm or later: 

Volunteers are not expected to work the entire time, nor do they need to stay in the same task all day.
They are, however expected to have FUN! And EAT!
Volunteer Opportunities on the day of: I could also use some people
who will coordinate these areas and the volunteers
• Transportation:
• Kids Room handlers: Oversee and engage kids in activities
• Kitchen Help: Cook
• Kitchen Help: clean, pots, pans, dishes
• run food from kitchen to the food line
• coffee servers
• table bussers
• food servers
• greeters
• “Share the Love” Ambassadors:
• Security
• Doggie Zone: handlers Oversee and engage the doggie guests
• Clean Up: Stay All Day or Come later help clean up and Pack Up